
5 Reasons You’re Bloated (and What You Can Do About It)

There’s nothing worse than feeling bloated. It’s uncomfortable, can be painful, and makes you feel like you look bigger than you actually are. Take note of the habits you practice prior to feeling bloated. These are the most common ones and they may shed light on how to fix the problem.

1. You Ate too Much Fiber too Fast

Fiber is good for you, right? Yes, it is important to consume at least the recommended amount of fiber, but the transition from a low-fiber diet to a higher fiber one can initially cause some bloating.

In order to prevent the bloat, slowly start to incorporate fiber-rich foods into your diet. More importantly, once you start to eat more fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains, drink lots of fluids! The fluids are absorbed by the fiber, helping to create a mass that easily moves through the digestive tract instead of contributing to the bloat.

2. You Ate too Much too Fast

Overeating will always make you feel full and uncomfortable, even if you’re indulging no healthy foods. If you also eat too fast, chances are that you don’t chew properly. The bigger pieces of food that have to be digested in your intestines are now more likely to cause gas and make you feel bloated. Plus, you’re more likely to swallow air when you eat too fast, which only exacerbates the bloat.

In order to prevent the bloat, transition to mindful eating. Eat slowly, be aware of your eating habits, and take time to enjoy your food instead of stuffing it down. 

3. You Didn’t Drink Enough

More fluids are necessary with more fiber, but drinking consistently throughout the day can also help release the bloat. Your body holds on to water when it isn’t getting enough of it. Lack of water can also lead to constipation, so drink up!

In order to prevent the bloat, drink water, green tea, and other light liquids. Carbonated beverages contribute more gas, making you feel even more uncomfortable.

4. You Gulped too Much Air

Air in your intestines gets trapped in your digestive tract and can’t get digested, so it either stays there or has to come out! How do you get air in? When you eat too much too fast, you probably consume a lot of air along with your food. Habits like gum chewing, drinking through a straw, and talking while eating are also common culprits.

In order to prevent the bloat, be mindful of these common culprits. When you do feel like you have extra air in you, exercise may help alleviate the problem.

5. You Don’t Tolerate a Certain Food

If you have a food intolerance, whether it is to lactose or a grain, you will feel bloated and gassy after consuming it. Be mindful of what you eat before you feel this way.  If it’s one of these foods most likely to give you gas, the issue may not be an intolerance. Make sure to consult with your doctor to confirm the intolerance before you eliminate foods from your diet.

Your doctor can also help diagnose a chronic medical condition that is causing your symptoms. Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the most common examples.

If you are diagnosed with a food intolerance, steer clear of that food! Research alternatives for that food instead. For example, these top dairy swaps are perfect for those who can’t consume dairy.

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